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Gender Equality

As a higher education institution, the Institut d'Optique Graduate School is committed to ensuring equal treatment at all levels, particularly between women and men, both among staff and students. Within the education component, a pair of gender equality referents has been appointed to implement actions and procedures to prevent and combat gender-based discrimination.

System To Fight Gender-Based Violence

As part of these actions, a mechanism to combat gender-based and sexual violence (GBSV) has been established. This mechanism is intended for IOGS students who are victims or witnesses of GBSV. The entry point is the email address, which is regularly checked by IOGS psychologists based on the Palaiseau and Bordeaux campuses, as well as by one of the gender equality referents.


Writing to this address allows you to make an initial report and find a listening ear, as well as guidance and advice, in complete confidentiality. If necessary, and always with your consent, other individuals (discrimination/disability referent, student representatives, administrative heads) may be consulted.


Useful Links 

Additional information about this service is available by clicking this link: ce lien. A template of the form used during the initial interview can be accessed here: ce lien.

For further resources, please see the following websites:

Your eCampus also contains the document: "mission égalité femmes/hommes" that has more links towards helpful information concerning gender-based violence:

Concerning Equality

On Thursday, January 18, 2024, starting at 3 PM, we are organizing the third edition of a meeting between high school and middle school girls (from 3rd grade to Math Sup) and women scientists, in partnership with the Femmes et Mathématiques association.

The principle of this event, called "speed-meeting," is for participants to meet with women scientists who talk about their experiences and the reasons that led them to pursue careers in science.

The goal is to deconstruct gender stereotypes that often hinder high school and middle school girls from pursuing scientific studies and to show them examples of successful women scientists they can look up to.
This year, in addition to the speed-meeting and snack that follows, we are offering participants who wish to do so visits to experimental setups, labs, and research laboratories.

Registration closes on Tuesday, January 16th evening.

Registration Link:

A few excerpts from testimonials from high school girls during the second edition:

"... I enjoyed all the presentations; they allowed me to discover the field of photonics. I found the lab visits fascinating."

"I loved this speed meeting. I found it very enriching and I enjoyed interacting with the speakers..."

"... I really enjoyed this session as a 10th-grade student: each woman is different, as are their backgrounds, motivations, and desires. The different age groups present allowed me to feel represented and to learn from the older ones as well! Moreover, it reassured me on certain points such as social background. Knowing that some started from difficult backgrounds and still managed to achieve their goals gives me strength and faith in my convictions. I was also able to approach my orientation more calmly."

"... I learned from this speed-meeting that I shouldn't hold back in my choice of orientation and that I shouldn't be afraid to change my path if it doesn't suit me: knowing how to try new things."

Une intervenante lors des rencontres

Crédit photo : SOAP

Awareness Campaigns, Training Programs, And Events In 2022-2023

Our efforts in 2022-2023 aimed at fostering a safer and more inclusive campus community. Through a series of training sessions, workshops, and events, we empowered students and staff:

  • Training for student association leaders on active bystander intervention by the Sexe et Consentement association in late August 2022.
  • Awareness-raising sessions for first- and second-year students organized by the Consentis association at the beginning of the 2022 academic year.
  • Joint stand at the Photonics forum on November 25, 2023 by the Equality Mission, Femto club, and Closet club.
  • Conference-debate on November 30, 2023 featuring Maëlle Bernard and Marie Gervais: a victim's testimony and a historical perspective.
  • Theater performance "Les Silencieuses (récit d'un voyage)" by Nicolas Raccah on January 27, 2023.
  • General conference at the IOGS on March 30, 2023 by Maëlle Bernard: "Consent before MeToo. Choosing history as a tool to understand current sexist and sexual violence."
  • Theater-forum workshop for first- and second-year students led by the Compagnie Cigale in March 2023.
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