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Student Aid

CROUS Social Criteria Scholarships

Scholarships are granted by the CROUS of Versailles for one year.

Please note: Renewal is not automatic! You must apply each year by logging into the student portal:

  • You do not need to know your assignment or future program to complete your Student Social File (DSE).
  • To apply for a scholarship and housing for the 2024-2025 academic year, complete your DSE before May 31, 2024.

Scholarship payments are contingent upon regular class attendance and exam participation. The criteria considered can be found on the website:

Important: The IOGS is affiliated with the CROUS of Versailles because the school is located in the Versailles academic region, including for students on the Bordeaux and Saint Etienne campuses.


Specific Assistance at IOGS

The Institut d'Optique Graduate School (IOGS) is committed to ensuring that no student is denied access due to financial reasons. With this in mind, the school invests 40,000 euros each year in aid for students in difficulty.

Criteria for Granting Aid

This financial aid is awarded based on social and academic criteria. Students wishing to benefit from it must complete a confidential file for the current year.

Application Procedure

Each year, at the end of September, an information email is sent to students. It specifies the procedure to follow, the submission methods, deadlines to be met, and contains the application form.


A dedicated committee, including student representatives and representatives of the alumni association, reviews the applications. This committee has the sole authority to decide on the waivers granted, ensuring a fair distribution of aid.


The Klaro Platform (formerly toutes mes aides)

Université Paris-Saclay offers you access to the partner platform Klaro (formerly toutes mes aides).

Over 1200 Different Aids

The Klaro team has compiled and daily updates a database of over 1,200 types of support, including financial aid, benefits, grants, scholarships, and more, available from your university, local, and national sources. With a few clicks, you can find out which benefits you qualify for based on your specific situation and get step-by-step guidance on how to apply. 

In several clicks, find out which aids you can have access to depending on your profile, and allow yourself to be guided by the website to access aid.

To Benefit?

Start in 5 minutes :

  • Click on the link below
  • Create an account using your institutional email address
  • In several clicks discover the aid that you can access 
  • Allow yourself to be guided through the process to complete your paperwork
  • Access the aid possible 
Plateforme klaro



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