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Graduate Job Prospects

What Do Our Graduates Do?

Average Salary 38 441 € without bonuses in France
Net employment rate 84.8 % Net employment rate = (Active + Volunteers)
/ (Active + Volunteeres + seeking employment)
(including thesis)
CDI 76.9 % Among active
(with public employment)
Local Contract 11.5 % Abroad
First job 83.8 % In under 2 months
(total over four years)
Managerial rate 90.5 % Among the last graduates
Situations professionnelles (dernière promo)   32.5 % En activité   45.0 % En thèse   7.5 % En poursuite d'études

Data from the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles in 2024

For more information about the futures of our graduates, visit the site dedicated to careers at the Institut d'Optique (link: site dédié à l'insertion professionnelle).


Industries Occupied By Employed Graduates

Our graduates quickly find employment in a diverse array of sectors, predominantly in managerial positions. Their expertise is sought after in the fields of photonics research and development, but their skills also make them valuable assets in other related areas, management, and finance.


Interviews With Alumni

Videos by the Institut d'Optique's alumni at graduation ceremonies (2020 et 2021), through SupOptique Alumni.

Nicolas Brusson
President / year 2000
Transport / Community
Clémentine Bouyé
Palais de la découverte
Scientific Mediation/ year 2012
Scientific Mediation
Georges-Olivier Reymond
President / year 1998
Quantum Technology
Sophie Brasselet
Fresnel Institut
Director / year 1994
Site réalisé par Intuitiv Secteur Public