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FAQ - SupOptique

Questions - Reponses

You will find here answers to frequently asked questions: 


Qu'est-ce que l'Optique et la Photonique ? What is Photonic Optics?

Optics is a vast field of physics that deals with light in all its forms: rays, waves, photons. It is found in multiple themes: space optics, microscopy, Fourier optics, electromagnetism, quantum optics, lasers. It naturally hybridizes with other sciences such as electronics, computer science, mechanics, biology, chemistry, crystallography...

To describe the areas covered, we now use the term photonics. Photonics is born from the hybridization of light with all sciences and technologies. Photonics is a particularly promising field that has transformed our uses since the beginning of the 21st century. It will accompany the transformations of our world in the coming years.

Today, more than 80% of new products have photonic functions. SupOptique is the School of Photonics in France and the world's leading training, research and entrepreneurship center in photonics.

J'aime l'algorithmique, les mathématiques et l'informatique, les simulations numériques, le cycle d'ingénieur.e SupOptique peut-il répondre à mes aspirations ?  I like algorithms, maths and informatics, can SupOptique fulfill my aspirations?

Yes, our engineering science program builds upon and expands on the advanced mathematics foundation established in preparatory classes or undergraduate studies (advanced mathematics and signal processing, distribution theory, Fourier transforms, mathematical morphology) and computer science (C and Python programming, scientific computing with MATLAB, algorithmics and object-oriented programming, numerical methods).

Additionally, since 2012, SupOptique has offered a photonics and digital technology program at its Bordeaux campus. From the second year onward, students can learn about augmented reality, human-machine interfaces, and manipulate 3D images and environments to meet the needs of industry and research. This rapidly growing field addresses the increasing demand for engineers with a triple skill set in physics, computer science, and mathematics, capable of modeling complex systems while maintaining a grounded approach.

An in-depth understanding of mathematical concepts and mastery of simulation tools are also essential for designing free-form optical systems. Free-form surfaces are ubiquitous in our daily lives (public lighting, automotive, aerospace, virtual reality, smart eyewear, design, etc.), and the limitless possibilities they offer are revolutionizing instrument design: improving image quality and significantly reducing component weight, requiring advanced mathematical concepts coupled with artificial intelligence.

Algorithmics and mathematics are also at the heart of signal processing and manipulation theories, whether dealing with heavily noisy or encrypted images, or high-speed light signals. The ability to model and develop new mathematical tools is therefore essential for astronomy, active optics, optical telecommunications, quantum optics, and more.

Note: In addition to its advanced mathematics curriculum, SupOptique offers motivated students from the MP track the opportunity to pursue a parallel L3 mathematics degree during their first year.


J'aime les sciences de l'ingénieur·e, j'ai envie de "toucher à tout" et de piloter des projets. Est-ce que la formation d'ingénieur·e SupOptique s'y prête ? I engineering, but I want to try lots of different types of engineering and lead projects. Do SupOptique engineering courses fulfill my desires? 

Yes, Photonics is by nature strongly connected to multiple technological fields (medicine, digital, cognitive, signal processing, nanosciences, aeronautics, architecture, civil engineering...).

SupOptique is closely linked to the industrial fabric with a very wide range of companies that have identified Photonics as a strategic asset for their development (AIRBUS GROUP, THALÈS, SAFRAN, DASSAULT Aviation, APPLE, L'OREAL, ALCATEL-LUCENT, ESSILOR INTERNATIONAL, VALÉO, SAINT-GOBAIN...).

During their studies, students immerse themselves in this highly innovative industrial environment through projects at SupOptique, internships, or ambitious projects in companies for those who choose the apprenticeship track (link: filière par apprentissage (CFA SupOptique)). In addition, the "multi-criteria, multi-skills" vision is strongly cultivated in the Innovation-Entrepreneur track (link: Filière Innovation-Entrepreneur·e·s (FIE)) which naturally trains project managers for a wide variety of fields.

J'aime la physique, pourrais-je m'épanouir à SupOptique ? I like physics, can I thrive at SupOptique?

Yes, SupOptique offers a high-level physics education that covers many scientific fields (nanosciences, electromagnetism, lasers, quantum mechanics, statistical physics, biology...). The scientific courses are mainly taught by researchers or teacher-researchers from the research centers of the prestigious Institut d'Optique, which are internationally renowned.

With more than 150 experimental projects on high-end instrumentation equipment, the experimental training at SupOptique is one of the best in the world in the field of photonics. Finally, in collaboration with its partners at the Université Paris-Saclay (L3 and M1 in Fundamental Physics and M2 in Physics), SupOptique offers a program in fundamental physics throughout the three years of the engineering cycle. As a partner of the "Light Science" Research University in Bordeaux, SupOptique also offers an M1 M2 program in Physics, adapted to the engineering cycle.

Finally, a SupOptique engineer is a citizen-engineer, capable of using photonics science and technology to address the major challenges of our society.

Puis-je faire mes études à SupOptique en choisissant la voie par apprentissage ? Can I choose to take an apprenticeship at SupOptique? 

Yes, SupOptique offers the opportunity to complete your engineering studies while being paid by choosing the apprenticeship track. By joining a company from the first year, the student becomes an employee of a company. They work while other students are on projects or internships, corresponding to half of their time.

During the other half of the time, they follow academic training with the students on the classic track. They benefit from personalized support from a company tutor and an academic tutor. Recruiters highly appreciate this track as it provides relevant professional experience and immersion in the corporate world before obtaining a diploma. Find more information on the pages dedicated to apprenticeship (link: pages dédiées à l'apprentissage).

Puis-je faire mes études à SupOptique en étant payé·e ? Can I be paid to study at SupOptique?

Of course! By following apprenticeships (see above)!

Puis-je apprendre à devenir entrepreneur·se ? Can I learn how to become and entrepreneur?

Yes, the Innovation-Entrepreneurs Track (link: Filière Innovation-Entrepreneur·e·s (FIE)) at SupOptique is one of the best training programs in France in the field of technological entrepreneurship, as evidenced by the numerous awards (already 116 to date) won at the national and international level. On average each year, two companies are created by young graduates who in turn hire students graduating from the school.

In addition, SupOptique offers exceptional environments for creating and innovating: a FabLab, opportunities to host projects and interact with the 30 companies/start-ups hosted on SupOptique's premises. The three sites of the Institut d'Optique (Paris-Saclay, Bordeaux, Saint-Étienne) are all located near incubators or business incubators.

For students who do not realize their entrepreneurial project upon graduation, the FIE remains an extraordinary opportunity to learn their profession as an engineer or innovative manager. A SupOptique engineer graduated from the FIE surprises and seduces recruiters with their maturity and multidisciplinary experience.

Puis-je faire mes études à l'international ? Can I study abroad? 

Yes: 100% of students in the classic or FIE track have an international experience of at least 16 weeks; for students who have chosen the apprenticeship track, the minimum duration is 9 weeks (see conditions on the dedicated pages, link: voir conditions sur les pages dédiées). 30% of students follow an international program in one of the partner universities.

Indeed, highly recognized internationally, SupOptique offers many opportunities for training abroad, through double degrees, semesters or internships. SupOptique has numerous agreements in Germany, Denmark, Finland, Norway, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom (including Imperial College, Cambridge), Switzerland (EPFL), Russia, USA (University of Arizona - College of Optical Sciences, University of Rochester - Institute of Optics), Canada, Brazil, China, Sweden (Royal Institute of Technology - KTH).

SupOptique offre de multiples parcours de formation, comment s’y repérer ? SupOptique offers multiple different learning pathways, how do I understand what's what?

Students choose their specializations at the beginning of their first year, their campuses in the middle of their first year, their third-year tracks, and their double degrees during their second year.

Admission to specializations (apprenticeship and FIE) and double degrees is based on applications and, in some cases (notably for apprenticeships), on interviews.

Admission to the different campuses is based on student preferences and the number of available places. As student profiles and aspirations vary widely, the vast majority obtain their first choice.

SupOptique invests significant resources to support students in defining their professional projects (mentoring, coaching by alumni, visits, conferences) in order to help them find their path. It is possible to change specializations or campuses during the course of study.

Quels domaines professionnels m'ouvrira le diplôme d'ingénieur·e SupOptique ? What professional domaines does an engineering qualification open for me? 

By its very nature, photonics offers a multitude of industrial sectors. Researcher, engineer, manager: the SupOptique engineering training opens up a multitude of careers.

In addition, a panel of double degrees makes it possible to further broaden the field of possibilities: ESPCI Paris, HEC Paris, Sciences-Po Paris and many masters, not to mention the biomedical double degree that SupOptique has set up with the medical faculty of the University of Paris-Saclay.

The depth of training in the fields of physics and photonics is a way of training minds to problem solve while maintaining a sense of the concrete. These qualities are sought after by recruiters well beyond companies linked to photonics. Many SupOptique engineers end up working inauditing or consulting. They are highly appreciated for their ability to handle orders of magnitude and their depth of vision.

Je suis issu·e d’une filière à dominantes physique & technologie. Pourrai-je m’épanouir à SupOptique ? I just finished a technology and physics track, will I enjoy being at SupOptique?

Absolutely! In fact, the number of places open to PT students in the Centrale-Supélec competitive exam has steadily increased at SupOptique in recent years, precisely because students from this track have shown that they integrate very well into the IOGS' teaching programmes.

Skills in physics and technology are highly valued at SupOptique, a school focused on the applications and innovation of physics and photonics. The training at SupOptique offers a natural extension for students from the PT track. An emphasis on project based learning in small groups leads the students to develop a "systems" approach throughout the curriculum. This allows them to take ownership of all aspects encountered in a photonic system: the source, the sensor, the control and signal processing electronics (optronics), precision mechanics, control systems, the physics of materials and their surface treatment, thermal engineering, new manufacturing technologies, etc.

Students from the PT track are particularly appreciated at SupOptique for their pragmatic approach and their ability to synthesize skills covering a wide range of disciplines.

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