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Training By Business

The Entrepreneurial Track At The Institut d’Optique Graduate School

The Institut d'Optique's Innovation and Entrepreneurship Stream (Filière Innovation-Entrepreneurs (FIE)) a premier program in France for developing the next generation of tech entrepreneurs.

Through project-based learning, students in their second and third years gain practical experience in innovation. They have access to a unique ecosystem that includes a FabLab and personalized coaching in technology, business, and management

FIE students are allocated 550 hours (out of a total of 1800 hours of teaching in engineering at IOGS) over three years to develop their entrepreneurial projects.

The FIE, is:

  • 20 companies created by students
  • 130 awards since 2008
  • A tailor-made curriculum offered on three sites
  • Dazzling successes
  • Profiles sought after by employers
  • 11,000 m² dedicated to innovation and technological entrepreneurship in photonics
  • A FabLab
  • Entrepreneurial and innovation centers
  • 35 hosted companies participate in training and have a mentoring, advising, and coaching mission for emerging project leaders.  
  • Tailor-made technological and entrepreneurial coaching


  • STEREOLABS  used by James Cameron for the films AVATAR 2 et 3.
  • EFFILUX European leader in industrial LED lighting.
  • IPSELIOS crafted the dazzling Solarwind light installation, witnessed by a million people each day.
  • Anaïs Barut (class of 2014), founder of DAMAE Medical,winner of the MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35 award.

Leaflet FIE (link: Plaquette FIE)

Start Ups Produced By The FIE

Logos des entreprises issues de la Filière Innovation-Entrepreneurs de l'Institut d'Optique
Site réalisé par Intuitiv Secteur Public