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L'Institut d'Optique in Bordeaux


The Aquitaine region spearheaded the construction of the Institute of Optics of Aquitaine. Since 2011, the Institute of Optics Graduate School has occupied a 20,000 m² building. In addition to classrooms and research labs, this building accommodates the Alphanov incubator and the Route des lasers et hyperfréquences competitiveness cluster, strengthening ties between the graduate school and the innovation ecosystem. It provides a comprehensive technological platform, a vital step in technology transfer.

Specificities of research conducted at the Institute of Optics of Aquitaine

The culture of optics research is one of the strengths of the Aquitaine region: from the Megajoule laser, research on lasers and medicine or on virtual and augmented reality, many leading players are present on the Université Bordeaux, campus, notably thanks to joint research teams with the CNRS.

The LP2N,  Laboratory of Photonics, Numerics, and Nanosciences, under the supervision of the Institute of Optics Graduate School, the University of Bordeaux, and the CNRS, is a reflection of this ecosystem. It focuses on complex systems with an optical and computer core. Its activities, centered around nanophotonics, biophotonics, matter waves, and information processing, are part of the IDEX (Initiative of Excellence) project of the University of Bordeaux.

Teaching Specialties

After a more general first year in Palaiseau, students have the opportunity to go to Bordeaux for two years of study. Teaching in Bordeaux has a more project-based approach focused on:

  • Virtual reality and real-virtual interfaces
  • Optics and nanosciences
  • Image synthesis and 3D imaging
  • Nanophotonics

They choose from several specializations:

  • Digital information
  • Data modeling and processing
  • Images and neuroscience
  • Digital optics engineering
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