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Experimental Teaching at LEnsE

150 laboratory workbenches
80 different experiments throughout teaching

The Institut d'Optique offers a scientific education in cutting-edge optics and photonics technologies. A significant emphasis is placed on experimental training, which is inseparable from high-level theoretical instruction.

Practical work and projects account for approximately 25% of the engineering and Master's programs. The Experimental Teaching Laboratory (LEnsE) welcomes you to its three campuses.

Spectral Measures

Innovative Teaching Methods And Ongoing Curriculum Development

Topics are constantly updated, enriched, and closely follow the latest advances in research across all fields of modern optics and photonics.

The Institut d'Optique Graduate School is the only engineering school worldwide that offers its students high-level experiments in quantum physics (entangled photon sources, saturated absorption), instrumental optics (adaptive optics, phase-shifting interferometry), lasers (holography, interferometry, optical parametric oscillator), and optical telecommunications (Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers, 10 Gbit/s digital transmission).

Human Cornea Under Polarised Light / St Etienne
 Photometric Analysis By A VR Visor / Bordeaux

Site du LEnsE

Goniospectrophotometre On Textiles / St Etienne
Image Processing with Raspberry Pi / Bordeaux
Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) / Palaiseau
Site réalisé par Intuitiv Secteur Public