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Physics at Paris Saclay in ARWU (Shanghai ranking)

  • Formation
  • Institut d'Optique

Paris-Saclay University ranks 9th in Physics, 1st in Mathematics

The 2020 edition of the annual Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), also known as the Shanghai ranking has placed the Paris-Saclay University as a leader in several disciplines.

In particular, the ranking establishes Paris-Saclay University as the leading French and even European institution in physics (9th in the world), which bodes well for a new visibility for the institution and the region. 

 The ranking also places the Paris-Saclay University as:

  • World's leader in mathematics
  • 12th  in agricultural sciences (1st French)
  • 23rd in and 1st in France in telecommunications engineering 
  • 29th in the world and 1st in France in automation and control engineering
  • 1st French in computer science
  • 1st French in biotechnologies
  • 1st French in clinical medicine
  • 2nd French in chemistry

These successes are part of a first ranking for the University of Paris-Saclay, since it has only been a full-fledged university since December 2019. 

There is still plenty of room for improvement: in fact, the scope used for the 2020 ranking does not yet take into account :

  • the publications and awards of the associated but not yet merged institutions, namely the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and the University of Evry.
  • the publications of research organisations whose research units did not officially join Paris-Saclay University until 1 January 2020 (the Shanghai ranking list uses data from the previous year to establish its ranking). All the research carried out at ONERA, as well as part of the research carried out at CEA Saclay and INRAE should be taken into account from 2021 onwards.

Taking into account the reality of these groupings as of 2021 makes it possible to anticipate a notable progression, particularly in physics, aeronautics and space, agriculture and forests as far as research organisations are concerned, but also in the environment, biology and all the fields in which the associated universities are important and recognized international players.



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