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Philippe Bouyer, appointed Director for Innovation and Corporate Relations

  • Entreprises
  • Institut d'Optique
  • LP2N

Philippe Bouyer, appointed Director of Innovation and Corporate Relations

Since August 28, Philippe Bouyer has been appointed Director of Innovation and Corporate Relations. His mission is to develop the institution's innovation on a national scale and to stimulate partnerships with the economic world in synergy with education and particularly with the Innovation-Entrepreneurs (FIE) track.

He also retains his position as Director Delegate for Aquitaine, through which he is the representative of the establishment with the academic and socio-economic partners of Aquitaine. 


Biography of Philippe Bouyer 

Philippe Bouyer obtained his PhD at the Kastler Brossel laboratory of the Ecole Normale Supérieure in 1995 under the supervision of Christophe Salomon. In 1995, he began a post-doctoral fellowship at Stanford University, where he developed under the direction of Mark Kasevich the first experiments of inertial sensors (gyrometers, gradiometers) based on matter waves. 

He joined the CNRS and the Institut d'Optique Graduate School in 1996. Within the Atomic Optics group (now the Quantum Gases group) founded by Alain Aspect, he worked in particular on Bose-Einstein condensates, atom lasers and Anderson localization with cold atoms.

In 2011, Philippe Bouyer is participating in the launch of the Aquitaine branch of the Institut d'Optique Graduate School. He is now the delegated director for this antenna, and has been the director of LP2N laboratory since its creation.

Also in 2011, together with Arnaud Landragin and Bruno Desruelle, he founded the company MUQUANS, which produces integrated quantum solutions.

In New Aquitaine, he has set up a new research group that is interested in ultra-cold atom quantum simulators and the development of atomic interferometers for testing general relativity in microgravity or for detecting gravity fields and gravitational waves with an underground antenna.


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