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Seminar by Professor Simon Thibault (Université de Laval à Québec)

  • Séminaire (général)
  • Evénement scientifique
portrait du Professeur Simon Thibault

Simon Thibault, Industrial Research Chair in Optical Design at Laval University in Quebec City, will give a seminar on his research activities on Tuesday, 30 November 2021 at 2:00 pm. The seminar will focus on the new themes of optical design based on metasurfaces and AI in optical design.

Abstract: Over the last decade, AI becomes a more and more popular field particularly in vision to enable many new functions like identifying image contents.  So does deep learning network (DNN) can be used to help or support optical system design.  Design activities highly rely on designer experiences.  So does a trained DNN on previous lens design or photonic devices can be used to generate design starting points.  In this talk, we will explore to most recent applications of DNN in optical and lens design.  We will also show some working example and discuss the future.  In the second part, we will discuss how lens designer can use new material like metasurface in a lens design software.

About Simon Thibault: Simon Thibault is professor at Laval University since 2008 and Immervision’s Principal Optical Designer working on cutting edge wide angle lens, applied research, as well as leading in pure research.  SPIE and OSA Fellow, he is also the chair holder of the NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Optical Design supporting a world-class infrastructure for optical training ( and sits on several international conference program committees at OSA, SPIE and IEEE.  Particularly as Chair the International Optical Design Conference (IODC, 2021, 2023). He has authored over 250 scientific papers and holds more than 20 patents.  His is associate editor of Optic Express and Optical Engineering and special section editor with Applied Optics.

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